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Positive Effects of Neuro Soundwave to
Improve Sleep Quality
Neuro Soundwaves
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Elevate Moods and Emotions for
Prevention and Treatment of Depression
Neuro Soundwaves
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Rhythmic Stimulation of Human Brain
Neuro Soundwaves
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Improves Concentration, Creativity & Memory

Enhance Sensory Perception & Positive Emotion

Improve Sleep Quality, Prevents Dementia & Reduces Stress

Neuro Soundwave

Neuro Soundwave is a waveform developed to enhance neuron connections and improve mental wellness.

4 Layers of Neuro Soundwave
Neuro Soundwave Technology

Company Profile

Neuro Code Research Pte Ltd was incorporated in January 2015 with its headquarter located in Singapore and a wholly owned subsidiary in China – Shenzhen Neuro Code Research Co., Ltd. Neuro Code Research develops leading edge technologies to unleash hidden potentials of the human brain and improve mental wellness. The company offers a series of brain development programs and a wide range of mental wellness products to help children, adults and elderly people to relax, improve sleep quality, enhance positive emotions, improve learning abilities and enhance brain alertness & vitality.


Since 2015, the company has set up more than 200 Authorised Training Centres in various cities in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Singapore. Four clinical trials were successfully conducted for a Shopping Mall in Singapore, a Hospital in Malaysia, a Primary School in Fuzhou, China and a University in Bangkok, Thailand. Apart from R&D of Neuro Soundwave Technology for brain power development and mental wellness enhancement; Neuro Code Research Centre also develops technology to help improve the quality of life of special needs people with ADHD, Autism and Dementia symptoms.

Neuro Code’s Founder



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